State farm turkey fryer william shatner biography

Butterball turkey fryer

To warn others in the Shatnerverse that these turkey fryer accidents actually do happen, Shatner is teaming with insurance giant State FarmĀ® to produce a short online .

state farm turkey fryer william shatner biography

State farm turkey fryer william shatner biography

In , State Farm teamed up with William Shatner to produce a short video dramatizing an actual accident where the celebrity was burned in a turkey fryer mishap on .

State farm turkey fryer william shatner biography book

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. (CBS) -- Thanksgiving is a mere eight days away, and State Farm insurance has recruited William Shatner to inject some humor into a serious warning .

State farm turkey fryer william shatner biography television series
William Shatner talks about his deep-frying turkey accident and the State Farm ad that warns of frying dangers.